We are committed to designing solutions that work how you do and seamlessly embed Clinical Services into your existing workflows. We are freeing up your Pharmacists time through improved dispensing workflows and functionality so that time can be spent delivering as many clinical services as possible.
We don’t need to tell you why services are so important to pharmacy; the publication of the NHS five-year plan put you at the front-door to healthcare services, requiring that you do more with less through squeezed dispensing revenue and making it more critical that more diverse revenue opportunities like clinical services are maximised.
We want to help you focus on the opportunity that this presents, not only in building better patient relationships but also thriving as a profitable pharmacy business. In discovery, pharmacies shared their reluctance to embrace services because they are so time-consuming, rooted in clunky technology with little or no integration across the multiple systems you are continually juggling.

Pharmacy Services – a new web-based platform.
How does Pharmacy Services work? Firstly, by tackling perhaps the most time critical service - CPCS. This service relies on the whole Pharmacy team being on the ball to ensure that no incoming referrals are missed. Utilising the power of Pharmacy Manager, we are able to alert the pharmacy team live in the PMR the second the CPCS referral comes in, in plain sight, on every screen.
Customers using this platform are seeing the benefits. Richard Hackett, Superintendent Pharmacist at Weldricks Pharmacy said:
"As soon as we've got a referral from the NHS we're able to deal with it, it pops up on the system to tell us there is a referral and we can deal with it in a much more timely manner. Which obviously improves customer service. Previously we were checking NHS mail or other systems to find out if we had a referral from the NHS for CPCS which obviously takes time away from the team."
Integrated Alerts - Pharmacy Services You Said, We Did...
The Pharmacy Services platform is designed to fit seamlessly in with the way that you work, anytime on any device. We know you are time-pressed so it doesn't make you think, it presents the information relevant to you in dashboards that are easy to digest, that flag next actions in one simple view.
Focusing on efficiencies, we also knew that there were more time saving opportunities in the service workflows, by using intelligence from the PMR and pulling in data to auto-populate fields and by using dynamic search fields we have made sure that not a moment of your time, or your patients time is wasted, in service delivery.
There was no point saving you time delivering more services if there was still a time-consuming manual form to complete in recording them. We addressed this by providing integration with key NHS services like the Manage Your Service (MYS) portal, facilitating automated claiming and automatically firing updates into patient GP records.
Valuable data that is captured in recording services in the PMR is stored and can be processed into insights that improve patient care. By passing data into the PMR and other Cegedim Pharmacy Business Solution products, avoiding re-keying data and enhancing data flow into patient records.
What’s Next?
CPCS was just the start of the Pharmacy Services journey, further efficiencies and integrations have been applied to a whole suite of other services such a Flu service that we launched for the current season and NMS rolling out to customers now. Our Hypertension service is under development and will be available in January 2023.
We look forward to bringing you much needed time saving efficiencies in the new year. Adam Clark, Pharmacist/Owner of A M Clark Pharmacy said.
“When I'm doing 50 services in a day, if each service takes me 1 minute longer than it needs to that's nearly an hour of my time gone, so it's been fantastic to be part of that discovery process and help to streamline the service workflows. I've gone through the flu vaccination service form and I honestly think you've made it as quick as it possibly can be to record the service.”