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Unlocking Pharmacy Revenue with Pharmacy Manager - Customer Success Stories

Read Time: 6 minutes

Managing a pharmacy business is no easy task. As an industry, we often hear about the vast number of challenges faced day in, day out. We also hear about the number of opportunities on the horizon, with pharmacy having a prime opportunity to shine as the front door to health. However, the challenge for many community pharmacies is realising the potential beyond just dispensing medicines. As an industry, it is rare for us to witness, share, and celebrate the way pharmacies are navigating this landscape and putting together the pieces of the puzzle to achieve success.

While we were at The Pharmacy Show last month, we shared how Pharmacy Manager is helping pharmacists unlock their full revenue potential. In a talk delivered in the Technology Theatre, Adam Dennett, Managing Director, took delegates through a journey of how early adopters of Pharmacy Manager have been able to unlock more of their revenue potential, ensuring the ongoing success of their pharmacy businesses in this ever-evolving landscape.

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Real Success Stories: R.D. Hill Chemist

Success begins with managing both people and time resources effectively. This is the challenge that Stephen Pollock, Pharmacy Manager of R.D. Hill Chemist, a small independent Pharmacy in the heart of Barnsley, faced. They process over 23,000 prescription items per month and have a patient nomination base of 6,000.


Facing significant challenges - such as a surge in prescription volumes, escalating costs, and declining revenue due to changes in the Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework (CPCF), Stephen recognized that simply hiring more staff wouldn't provide the solution. Instead, he turned to Pharmacy Manager PMR and its innovative approach to dispensing. By leveraging the system's flexible workflows, Stephen was able to pinpoint key areas within the process and identify opportunities for increased efficiency, ultimately overcoming their challenges and optimising their dispensing journey.

In order to overcome resource constraints and achieve greater efficiency, Stephen needed a system that could seamlessly integrate with his pharmacy's workflow. By implementing Pharmacy Manager's modular approach to dispensing, the team not only saved time in their end-to-end dispensing journey, but also added value to their community. The results have been incredible, with an increase in patient retention of 10% and a significant unlocking of their revenue potential.

Real Success Stories: Michael's Chemists

Now, let's take a closer look at the success of Michael's Chemist, a group of two pharmacies located just outside Birmingham. These pharmacies have emerged as shining examples of the expanding world of pharmacy services. With an impressive patient nomination base of over 4,000 and dispensing of more than 9,000 items each month, they have consistently ranked among the top 20% in the New Medicine Service (NMS) rankings in the UK.

Slide6-1Despite this achievement, they were grappling with cumbersome paper-based system for NMS, involving numerous forms, folders full of notes, and color-coded post-its and the daunting task of manually tracking patients due for NMS services. This reliance on manual, paper-based administration led to numerous missed opportunities and wasted effort, hindering their ability to complete these services and realise the revenue.

Karanjeet Ubhi, Pharmacist and owner, looked to technology and he adopted Pharmacy Services, a mobile platform that digitised the entire NMS process and streamlined it end-to-end. This eliminated duplication of records, ensured that no opportunity was missed, and provided a real-time view of his pharmacy performance against the service delivery targets.

The results were remarkable. The time required to set up a patient for NMS reduced from 10 minutes to less than a minute. This saw their NMS revenue triple when comparing Q1 2022 to Q1 2023, and patient nominations increased by 12.5%. A testament to the power of digital solutions making services efficient and adding data driven insights.

Real Success Stories: Weldricks

Weldricks, a pharmacy with over 60 locations in and around Doncaster, is known for its 5-star customer service. With an impressive monthly item count of 556,000, they faced a challenge with the introduction of the Hypertension Case Finding Service, a labour-intensive service, requiring meticulous record-keeping and GP report updates.

Slide8Head of Pharmacy, Richard Hackett, shared a similar challenge to Karanjeet: they needed an efficient solution, and paper-based methods were out of the question. Training the team and avoiding overload were top priorities without adding any overhead costs often associated with implementing a new IT platform.

Richard sought a system that was easy to use, offered clinical guidance, eliminated the manual claiming process and worked alongside their existing PMR. His vision was for staff in stores to be able to pick up a smartphone and go, without the need for extensive training or manuals. The solution he found met his needs was the web-based Pharmacy Services platform with the added benefit that it seamlessly integrates with their existing PMR - Pharmacy Manager.

Within the first month, all but 5 of their 60+ stores had completed at least one of the services, with a total of 898 Hypertension Case Finding Services recorded across the group in August. Their performance now surpasses the national average by 20%, a remarkable achievement. Pharmacy Services, integrated within Pharmacy Manager, brought the desired efficiencies and automation, ensuring they never missed a claim.

Weldricks' success is not only commendable for its results but also serves as a model for pharmacies facing the expanding service agenda. With the Primary Care Recovery Plan and Pharmacy First on the horizon, Weldricks is well-prepared to accommodate the expected growth in community pharmacy services backed by the associated £645 million investment.

Real Success Stories: Avicenna Group

Sean Donoghue, Operations Director for the Avicenna group comprising 135 sites across England and Wales, collectively processing over 1 million items a month. Avicenna's core values centre around being customer-centric, technology-empowered, environmentally conscious, and passionately local. Expanding more advanced pharmacy services served their objectives, but presented operational challenges to ensure all sites continued to maximise their potential.

Slide11Avicenna faced the challenge of optimising capacity to prepare for an increase in new services. Sean needed a versatile and scalable platform supporting both local and centralised access from any device, which could help him to redirect and manage workload based on the demand and opportunity. The integration of Pharmacy Intelligence Hub with Pharmacy Services, as part of the comprehensive Pharmacy Manager Solution, offered the Avicenna group real-time visibility into their NMS activity. This allowed them to efficiently distribute the services to a centralised team, resulting in the ability to conduct 47% of their NMS services remotely.

Pharmacy Intelligence Hub provided Avicenna with real-time data which ensures they can calculate their NMS targets accurately. NMS payments are complex due to the target matrix and payment variations. Sean wholeheartedly embraced the platform's intelligent features, which deliver an impressive 90% accuracy in setting targets. This remarkable accuracy is achieved through the power of machine learning, which analyses a wealth of data, including historical data, NHS Business Services Authority (BSA) data, market trends, and seasonal variations. By integrating with the Pharmacy Services platform to streamline their service processes, Avicenna achieved an impressive 294% increase in the delivery of their services. This showcases their innovative and forward-thinking approach to providing community services.

The first all-in-one Pharmacy Solution for Unlocking Revenue

Slide13Pharmacy Manager goes beyond being a software application; it serves as the ultimate solution for pharmacies to unlock their revenue potential. By empowering pharmacists to overcome challenges, enhance efficiency, and deliver optimal care to their patients, Pharmacy Manager proves its value.

The success stories shared in this post are just the beginning, as each pharmacy has its own unique path to success. Reach out to us today to discover how we can assist you in achieving your pharmacy's full potential in 2024.

Find out what Pharmacy Manager can do for you today!

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