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UK Ministry of Defence awards contract for delivery of PMC solution

Read Time: 1 minutes

We are pleased to announce that the UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) has awarded us a contract to deliver the Primary Medical Care (PMC) Information Service solution.

The Defence Medical Services (DMS) will use the solution to provide an occupationally focused primary healthcare service, as part of its wider Programme CORTISONE. This is a 2-year contract with 2 x 1 option years.

The PMC will maximise the capability provided by our core clinical solution, Vision 3, a Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS) product, by configuring the service to meet the specific needs of the DMS. Using a modern PMC COTS product has the benefit of built-in functionality to improve information exchange with nationally provided healthcare systems and services in all four UK nations.

The various elements that combine to create the PMC Information Services will be integrated by the Authority to give a seamless end user experience for DMS’ primary care clinicians and staff. The PMC solution will provide a wide range of functionality, including the ability to record consultations; create prescriptions and manage medications; order tests, including laboratory and radiology; and create referrals. Clinicians will also benefit from access to shared tasks to support collaborative working, Outcomes Manager templates, forms and workflows to support efficient record keeping and Pharmacy Manager for safe and effective dispensing of medicines.

Steve Bradley, UK CHS Group Managing Director, Cegedim Healthcare Solutions, comments: “Cegedim is the UK’s only approved clinical system supplier across all four UK nations and possesses expertise contributing to creation of a single PMC Information Service solution integrated with the national services in all four countries. CORTISONE is a unique, innovative programme and the Cegedim team is extremely proud and excited to be part of it.

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Tags: News | Author: Cegedim Rx

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